Bless you with love for the road that you go.

“Well, nertz to you, Mr. Smarty-Bat! When I told Mr. J what I was doing he was so thrilled he could hardly speak! He’s on his way now to watch you feed the fish! And then…”
Harley Quinn, Batman Adventures: Mad Love
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@темы: Harley Quinn, Joker, DC, ахахаха, picture

05.09.2012 в 17:23

Елена Игоревна
Ну вот, стало жалко Харли :depr::depr:
05.09.2012 в 18:03

Bless you with love for the road that you go.
да т^т вроде злодейка, да и он псих, но черт, они прекрасно жили бы вместе не смотря ни на что ТТ