Bless you with love for the road that you go.
Another week, another spoiler from MTV and Teen Wolf executive producer Jeff Davis! This one involves Dylan O’Brien taking pen in hand and writing a scene for the show.
According to the MTV Remote Control blog, the scene will appear in episode 3×06. Jeff Davis says,
I have long been trying to get Dylan O’Brien to sit down and write with me. Sometimes I’ll harass him to help me come up with a funnier line. And most people know he gets in an ad-lib or two. But tonight, after he wrapped his acting work for the day, we actually sat down and wrote a scene together. We’ll see if fans can guess which one as it will show up in episode 306.

One of the most famous ad-libs from O’Brien is the beloved “sour wolf” line from episode 1×06 “Heart Monitor.” But an entire scene written by Jeff Davis and Dylan O’Brien? We’re not sure we can handle that much awesome!


@темы: Teen Wolf, новости, picture